Tenets of Islamic Beliefs; Adl/31

Relation between Social Justice and Divine Worldview   

11:14 - November 10, 2023
News ID: 3485918
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Social justice is something all governments claim to be advocating and pursuing but in practice, it cannot be found in no non-divine system.

Social justice


It is because social justice must originate from a correct root.

In Islam, equality and justice originate from deep roots, including the following:

1- The universe is being run by Almighty God in the wisest manner and there is no chaos in it so that everyone can act as they please.

2- God sees all of our behaviors and conducts and even thoughts and we should be accountable in His court of justice (on the Resurrection Day) for whatever we do.  

3- All of us are from earth and will return to it and therefore there is no difference among us (in terms of superiority).

4- People are God’s servants and being kind to them pleases God. The best of people are those who are benevolent and want good for others.

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5- The world has been created based on justice and wisdom and it will no trespass the limits and laws that God has established.

6- All of us have the same parents (Adam and Eve).

Such an understanding of the world and humanity in accordance with the divine worldview best prepares the ground for accepting justice and staying away from oppression and injustice to our fellow human beings.

